Launchpad for Business Thinkers and Management Giants
“It doesn’t make sense to hire smart people and then tell them what to do; we hire smart people so they can tell us what to do” – Steve Jobs
Turning employees and managers to thinkers is an important survival tactic of today’s businesses. By developing and investing in their staff, many companies are saving the huge cost that would have been expended on getting business leaders. This programme is designed for new managers, those seeking additional management training, those involved in the operational running of an office and delegates already identified as potential leaders in an organisation.
Discover how to;
- Optimise employee productivity
- Achieve the desired results
- Succeed as a first time manager
- Get things done through others
- Become an effective manager of resources
A launch pad is the area on which a rocket stands for takeoff, typically consisting of a platform with a supporting structure.
Programme covers;
- Communicating for Innovation
- Commanding respect & Portraying authority
- Habits of Successful managers
- Delegation & Supervision – The Seven levels
- Motivation Skills; Satisfaction with satisfiers
- Developing Confidence & Assertiveness
Amongst others
* Fuller breakdown of modules and learning outcomes to be sent after registration.
Please Note!!!
Course fee is dependent on number of participants, location of venue and other prevailing factors